Active Trips

There are few pleasures in life as great as the feeling of being in the open, in a region that you are visiting for the first time, and seeing the little details in the scenery you would so easily miss if you were merely driving through.

For years we have promoted the idea of the perfect outdoor trip, one where you could jump on a perfectly tuned bike and follow a carefully studied itinerary through beautiful villages where you would meet the locals, enjoy a special guided tour and then relax for a quintessential (and well-deserved) lunch in the countryside. If biking is not your thing then surely the idea of hiking in the forests along the rugged paths of Spain or Italy will be more your scene; perfect days when time seems to have stood still and where you are as close to the local people as you are ever likely to be.

Passeport has created a whole range of active trips from biking itineraries to specialist hiking tours to the most wonderfully scenic regions in Europe. We work regularly in Spain, Italy, France and even Turkey, Portugal and England. We have even designed multi-sport trips that included sailing elements as well as kayaking, biking and hiking.

Our attention to detail on these trips goes well above and beyond the ‘general offering’. We use the newest bikes, we offer the finest routes (designed with years of expertise and practice), fantastic guides and the safety in the knowledge that our support vehicles and maintenance staff are always on call.

Have a look at a sample program